Monday, April 16, 2012

News to Come

Well I have some pretty exciting news. And no one can know about it!! :( but :) at the same time. It has been a crazy year. I am about to become an aunt again to I am sure will be an adorable little boy. I have a decent job, even though I am exhausted all the time from it. I have an amazing husband who i adore till no end. Also a loving family. I am so blessed to have all these things in my life. I cannot wait till 12 so i can go home. I am exhausted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just another day...

So I am at work again, just thought I would jot down a few things. Last night went to the gym only for a half hour. I was so exhausted but i made sure to sweat so it was better than nothing. I mentioned to my boss today that me working Sunday would make it that I have worked every single holiday off and I keep getting told that I will have the next one off. He asked what days I would like off for working the holiday. I was like hmmmm how about the days that I am suppose to be off like this weekend!!!!so frustrating. One day I will get what I was told I am.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I could just cry

I am sitting here at work and I am just having the worse day, week actually and it is only Tuesday.  I just found out I have to work on my weekend off without notice or choice, I am short staffed, I can feel my blood pressure rising. I also feel that my managers so dittaly squat. I have no clue what they do throughout the day because nothing seems to be getting done. I talk to my director and no seems to get it. I am so unhappy here and I graduated school and I make less than 40 a year. There are some guys who make more than I do and I am there boss. there is something wrong with that. I am also exhausted and have no life what so ever. I am here at work from 2 to 12 so i have to leave me house at 1200 to get here for 2 and I dont get home till 130am. Something has go to give and something has to change.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gym Time Progress!!

So I have hit the gym two times now the first night i did the tred mill, eliptical and bike . The second night I went at 1:20 am and warmed up on the tredmill for 10 mins and then I went to the weights worked on my arms, and abs. After that for my cardio work out I went on this machine thingy lol i know its funny but its not the eliptical but the same concept just your legs move differently. Talk about a work out!!! I also found out my headphones are not conpatable with the tvs they have there, I got electrial shocked 3 times!! time for some new ones I guess. I am taking a break from the gym tonightm but will be back tomorrow after work around 130am again. cant weight to weigh my self next week and hopefully see some progress!!! Glad I have my sister Shanyn to help, even though she is on the other side of the country she is an insipration for me to get my butt in gear!!! Love you sis!!