Monday, February 11, 2013


So my last post was me saying I have exciting news. Well the news was I was pregnant. Now i have a two month old little girl names Olivia Hope . I love her so much and cannot picture my life without her. I am truly blessed to be a mom to this wonderful bundle of joy. After 28 hrs of labor and 2 hrs of pushing She was born on December 7th 2012 at 847pm. She is the ost beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on.

Now I only have two followers on here and I do not think they are very active on here anymore. So I guess this is more of a journal for me to vent. I have severe anxiety about leaving Olivia and going back to work on Monday. I have tried to leave her several times for short periods of time and they have not ended well. I honestly dont know what to do.  Everytime i think about it i cry, shake, sweat and cannot breath. I was looking it up and it says anxiety can be a form of depression. I never knew this. I had an apointment today again with my dr so he can check up on me but I had to cancel due to the snow.

I do not want to leave my baby behind.  I am so scared.