Sunday, March 27, 2011

busy busy bee with a little bit of nightmares

So i have not posted is so long because i have been so busy moving into our apartment, and with the start of my new job and school. Today is my first day where i dont have work or school, so i thought i would write a little something. So far so good with living with andrew. It still really doesnt feel like we are living with each oher. because i have stayed at his house for long periods of time. so i wonder if it will ever really kick in that we are living with each other. There is about 5 1/2 months till our wedding!!!! YIKES!!!! still so much to do. Speaking of weddings... considering how i only have 2 followers and both of you are married. NICOLE AND ROBIN. did you guys ever have nightmares about your wedding . Like really intense ones. Here is mine.
   So its the wedding day. I am in my dress, a few mins to walk down the asile. Then OMG i forgot that we never bought rings. !!!!! so somehow a little guy shows up with a box of rings and i buy two. then... my mom and my sisters are no where to be found. i end up walking down the asile by myself . But as i am half way down they show up behind me but their flowers are dead. then we get married and all is ok. we take a few pictures, but again my mom and sisters disappear. i call my mom and ask where she was and she said she was at home with my sisters. I had asked why and she said the wedding was over so she left. but the reception was in a few minutes. so i didnt under stand why they would leave. I convinced them to come back. Then ANDREW GOES MISSING. the wedding coordinator (which was odly the women who is holding my fate with a job i am currently up for in real life for after college) finds andrew in the back with some women and they are about to have sex. two minutes after we are married. Some how i forgive him(never in really life. he would have been casterated then would have shoved them down his throat) haha) we are walking to trying to find our car in a large parking gargage. we get in the car and  i realize hes not wearing his wedding band. I ask where it is and he says its in his coat. i tell him to put it on (still mad about him and that women) then he goes to get it and its not there. i start yelling just perfect andrew really. i start the car and drive off. and then i wake up. MESSED UP DREAM RIGHT!!! it still makes me mad and i am awake. ok well write back to this one please.


  1. From What I understand wedding dreams like this are normal. I had a few crazy ones for example no photographer so everyone offered to take pics with their awesome camera phones (i blame this one on How I Met Your Mother though), Then I had the dreaded divorced parents nightmare that all they did was fight the entire time then my dad and mike got into a fist fight...It's all normal so don't read too much into it. Pre-wedding jitters. Just remember that Andrew loves you so much and would never do anything like that to hurt you. :) When you wake up from crazy wedding dreams just laugh and say "Haha That would never happen"

  2. thanks robin. it was just so crazy alll of that in one dream
