Saturday, June 18, 2011


I am so confused. When this wedding process started i was so excited to have my friends with me and share this experience with them. I figured they would be happy for me and supportive. But this is not the case. I have already lost two bridesmaids and loss them as friends. Now i feel like i am losing another. I have never felt so alone in m entire life. I try to talk to andrew about it, but he really dosnt understnad. My mom says they are stuck in high school mode. One friend, who is a bridesmaid never showed up to my shower and didnt come to my graduation party. and now she is upset because i couldnt come because my dog is going through some medical issues, and i had to make sure he is ok. I just dont know what to do. I really dont think i can go through another emotional rollercoaster of losing yet another friend. What do i do? i am completely lost and starting to think i am doing something wrong.


  1. I have to tell you I've been there, recently and I know it's hard, but you have to think the people who stand by you on that day are the ones who truly love you. I have to admit if I hadn't lost the last two friends I did, I wouldn't have gained the two incredible ones that I made, so maybe it's just the universe's way of telling you that you need to make room for some incredible people who are coming your way.
    You're not doing anything wrong, your mom's right they are stuck in high school mode and all they want to think about is themselves. You're marrying young and they are still in that party type of mode. You guys are just in different places in your lives.
    Just know you're not alone if you ever wanna hang out and talk or do anything you can always give me a buzz. And Yes, Men, they don't understand and probably never will lol.

  2. aawww thanks. Yes i do think we should hang out , seeing as how we are going through the same things around the same time. Andrew i believe wants to be there for me just doesnt know how to go about it. he will always just say they are not worth your time and that is that and they are pathetic and stuff. which yes he is right its just the way he goes about it, that doesnt help. losing the two friends i did was so hard and really just dont want to lose the third.
